May 7, 2018
I believe this man is right. I do think that having good values is important. Although some of us do not value things, we should learn too. I have been having this thought for a long time, so here it goes. If a killer does not value someone else's life. Does this mean he never valued his own life? Killers obviously do not value the life of the person they killed so does this mean that they want to kill to get that feeling of not valuing themselves off their chest? I mean i do not have an answer but hopefully one day I will. I feel like this quote was for me :/ I guess I did not value someone and now things are fucked up. And I know I have to fix it cause it was kinda my fault but also the persons. But I was harsh on them cause I am a heartless bihh. Fuck man! Now I must fix things cause I do value our friendship. :)
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