MAY 25 2018

Image result for gif on choosing the right
 I believe we are old enough to know whether our decisions are good or bad - Rodriguez

 I wrote this sentence that is now a quote a while back, when I was reflecting on one of Mr. Haymore's SSS. Well see when we are little kids we still do not know what is good and what is bad so they had an excuse. But now that we are older, I believe that we do know what is right or wrong and we do not have an excuse for a wrong decision. We should know better, our parents have been teaching us what is doing good and what is doing bad. The lessons we have been through because of our wrong decisions must have been learned.
 If we choose to make a wrong decision then that is us. By that I mean you are not willing to be a c-t-r person. You knew what you were going to do was wrong yet you still did it. Being a c-t-r person won't be so hard when you commit to it.


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